The organizer
Import settings (style, color and display size)
initial quality control
⇓ 444 Wise
44 Metal inspection Wise
44 Wise
Pressure Equipment:
Steam Irons:
Steam Irons:
Homework often uses electricity. But today, steam irons are used for industrial purposes. In cast iron, the iron is heated by steam supplied by a central boiler or a small boiler. The steam supply is regulated by a manual adjustment knob. This steam is carried from the boiler to the iron and exits through the perforations located under the iron.
These irons are triangular in shape and their weight varies from 1 kg to 15 kg. To iron this iron, a bed or ironing board is needed. There must be a vacuum system next to the bed. After ironing, press the pedal to suck the air out, which can also quickly remove moisture and heat from the printed garment. To operate a steam iron requires a skilled and experienced operator.
Steam Press Process Flowchart:
Apply steam from BUCK
HEAD moves closer to compress clothes
Can apply more steam from HEAD or BUCK
Head 4 is released 4 4 4 Cylinder 4 is released to cool and dry clothes
In the garment industry, finishing is the process that includes printing or ironing, folding and pressing. clothing packaging. Folding again is done by ironing. After printing, the process of folding the garment into the desired size and shape is called folding.
types of packaging and folding:
folders have the following four types of packaging and folding:
Standing Suit: The collar is bent at a 900 angle to the body.
2. Semi-upright: The collar is folded over and forms an angle of 450 with the body.
3. Flat suit: Suit with the collar folded completely flat on the body.
4. Hanger bag: Hang the shirt on the hanger and pack it in the box.
● Save
packaging is always done in cartons, and there are several standards for clothing packaging as follows,

There are generally two types of clothing packaging,
1. Garments are individually wrapped/wrapped in a plastic bag, The design of the plastic bag is specified by the buyer. I.
For example, pack it with a hanger or an ordinary plastic bag, then put the whole garment (according to the packing standard) in a carton.
2. Another way is to fold clothes and put them in cardboard boxes instead of plastic bags.
Each carton follows the packing standard as shown before and is made in a different way as shown below
Solid Fill 2.
Proportional Fill 3.
Mixed Fill 1. Solid Packing: In this packing method, the carton will contain clothes of one color and same size. For example, 20 shirts of a similar color, say navy and size S, would be a case of
2. Proportional packing: In this way,
pieces of garments of the same color but different sizes are filled into cartons in proportion.
For example, S:M:L:XL=5:7:7:5.
3. Mixed packing: packing clothes of different colors but same size in cartons, or clothes of different colors and different sizes , mixed in a certain proportion.
After packing finished, clothes keep in warehouse/store until buyer send buyer QC to inspect before shipping, once QC arrives, they will check as per 2.5 grade AQL will then check whether the garment should be accepted or rejected.
Storage SOP:
● First, the clothes are received wisely. Hourly listeners randomly sample pieces, check feel and tint; iron roughly and check the measurements. If there is a problem, Finishing In-Control is notified immediately and the rags are sent for rewashing.
● 100% process thread trimming is complete.
● 100% process inspection is done by on-site Q/C. Defective garments will be modified/rejected based on the type, size and location of the defect.
● Ironing done in side passage
● 100% process inspection done by Top Side Q/C for quality and measurements.
Defective garments will be modified/rejected based on the type, size and location of the defect.
● All accessories come with a bag liner and are sorted by color and size to ensure each box only contains garments of the same color.
● Timing verifiers verify 12 items per batch per hour, and measure and verify 3 items per hour.
● An internal audit follows. Auditors check 32 items twice a day (before lunch and after lunch).
Auditors also check the quality and size of each size covering all colors.
• 100% externally inspected to confirm packaging accuracy.
● At the end of this CT PAT (Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) audit. Following this process, there will be a pre-final inspection.
● Pre-qualify the quality and measurement of packaged products based on AQL 2.
5 systems per set.
● If any of the above quality checks fail, it is returned to the first operation, threading and the full cycle is reworked.
● After passing the preliminaries, the quality and measurement of the packed goods will be inspected by the buyer according to NQA 2.
5 systems.
● The buyer can only deliver the goods after passing the inspection.
Finishing Section Report: Eight Reports in Finishing Section:
1. Finishing Quality Inspection Report
2. Style/Line OQL Summary
Hourly final audit report
4. Measurement table adjustment audit report (by Q/C)
5. Measurement table adjustment audit report (by auditor)
6. line/final inspection
7. Weekly root cause analysis chart
Finishing Q/C, Iron Man and Folding Man Consulting Report
Finishing Process – Shipping Documents
Autogarment has an independent sales department to arrange and prepare shipping documents for smooth delivery of goods to our buyers. The Department of Commerce checks all relevant shipping documents against a checklist before shipping the goods.
Autogarment prepares shipping documents at various stages according to the following procedures:
1. When the goods are ready for shipment, PROJECT STITCH will immediately contact the buyer’s nominated freight forwarder to obtain a booking confirmation and fill in the details. Based on the above, PROJEKSTEEK starts preparing the shipping documents.
2. Send the goods to the freight forwarder with the invoice and the packing slip signed by the sales manager.
3. Prepare and arrange commercial invoice, final packing list, multi-country customs declaration, manufacturer’s certificate, certificate of origin, garment details and bill of lading to freight forwarder. The above documents are reviewed and signed by the business manager.

4. Before sending the above documents to the forwarder, the export company personnel check the documents through the defined checklist (if the specific buyer has a checklist, it is also compliant), the checklist bears the signature of the personal correspondent for the accuracy of the document. If they find any inconsistencies in the documents, they notify the appropriate staff to make corrections or corrections. Only then will the document be submitted to the trade manager for a final check to confirm its signature. The sales manager only approves if he finds no discrepancies in the document as a finalization process
Here are some suggestions on what to wear to the lab. Additional information is available on the EHS website or on the EHS PPE online training modules.
Standard laboratory uniform
• Coverall covering torso and arms.
● Underwear covering the entire leg up to the ankle (for example,
, pants, skirts, coveralls, lab coats) and adequately protect exposed skin.
● Five-toed footwear covering the instep, made of leather or synthetic leather or other material that prevents spills or rapid penetration of sharp objects.
● In laboratories where there is a risk of fire, avoid clothing made of synthetic fibers such as nylon, polyester, polypropylene, or acrylic, which will melt when ignited. Wear non-flammable natural fibers such as wool, cotton, jute, linen and silk.
Standard Personal Protective Equipment

Lab Coat:
● Long-sleeved lab coat, or gown or coverall, with ribbed cuffs, made of flame retardant material.
● Chemical resistant aprons and sleeves for handling caustics and chemicals that are toxic when absorbed through the skin.
Eye protection:
● Safety glasses with side shields.
● Protective goggles for handling chemicals that can damage the eyes.
● Wear goggles with a face shield when the risk of injury is high.
● Examination gloves are suitable for daily laboratory activities.
● To avoid exposure to toxic chemicals, use gloves specifically designed for the hazard or chemical.
Hearing protection:
● If you are unable to communicate easily with others within one meter, the noise level may exceed safe levels. Consult EHS for noise exposure rating and hearing protection recommendations. Respirator
● Consult EHS if you intend to use a respirator, even if it is only a filtering mask. Respirators must be used under certain conditions, and EHS personnel can ensure that you are using the correct respirator for the type of work you plan to perform.