This is because soaking softens the cuticle,makingiteasier to trim later. It also removes any
dirt thatgetsstuck between the nails.
● Cut the cuticle: This is a critical step thatmustbedonewith care. Allyou need to doistrim the excess
cuticle and the free edges. Do not cut or tear thecuticles too deeply as this can leadtoinfection and subsequent painful skin issues.
The same goes for unwantedbeards that canappear around
nails. Clip them gently without damaging the rest of the nail.
● Moisturize: Applyface cream or moisturizer aftercuticletrimming to prevent future skin problems.Letsit for about five minutes to ensure the healing properties of
Moisturizerreachtheinnercore of your skin. Then use nail polish remover to clean any
oily residuefromyournails.
If there is moisture on the nails,thenailpolishwillnotstay.
● Introduction: Remember you’regrooming at home, so if you spend more time onit than a professional,that’sfine. To do this, apply a base coat,astheguysat
Salondid. This is important and will make your polish look better and perform better.
● Nail polish: Next, you must apply the nail polish of your choice.
Apply at least three coatsof
coat by coat. This will addvolumeto your nails and bringout the color.
● Topcoat:Besuretoapplytopcoat after the nail polish is completely dry.Topcoat
protects the paintwork and keeps your nails lookinggreatlonger.
● Hydration: The last step is to moisturize the entire hand.
Apply a good moisturizer and
seal the deal!
You see, doingnailcareathome is not difficult at all. Just follow these tips and you’llhave
beautiful nails in notime.
[Related Reading: NailTips: 12 Steps tothe Ultimate Manicure Kit]
How to Geta Pedicure
If you take care of your nails, why nottakecareofyour poor nails?Alsotry
foraneasyat-home pedicure thatwillinstantlyrefresh your feet.
● Preparationinadvance:Likenailart,nailart
mustbepreparedinadvance. Prepare everythingso you don’t have to get up
in the middle and leave your relaxationspace in the livingroomofthe
house. You will need the followingitems:
Nail polish remover and some cotton
A good pairofclippersnails
A nail file
Cuticle scissors
Foot cream
4-sidedpaint ● Bucketorsmallbathtub
● A littleshampoo or showergel
● Towels
● Washing feet and nails: Before starting, wash your feet under lukewarmrunning water. This will helpthe
removeallthe dirt and help you start your home pedicure process. If yourfeethave
visible damage, take care, bandage or handlethem during a pedicure to prevent
inflammation and the spread of infection.
● TrimNails and RemovePaint:Trim toenails carefully and remove any remaining
paint. If you want to shape your nails, use a good nail file for the job. Also trimthe
loosestitchesonthecuticle.However,donottearordeeply cut the cuticleasthiscanleadtoskininfection
● FootSoak:Next we willrelaxandsoak the feet in warm water.
Fill the
bucket or tub with lukewarm water (as hot as you can tolerate) and add a little
shampoo or showergel. Soak your feet in the water and letsit for about five minutes. This will open the pores and remove the dirt between the toes and nails.
● Exfoliation: This is one of the main components of a pedicure.
After removingthe foot from the hot water, dry it with thetowel
Then apply the foot cream and rubtheheelsandsoleswith a pumice stone or
foot scraper. This will help the
getridof dead skin cells and clean the cracks on your feet.
● Rinse: Washthefeetthoroughlyaftertheexfoliation. Rinse your feet under
running water to remove all dead skin and remove the foot cream.
● Moisturizing: Exfoliation candryoutthe skin and cause redness and irritation.
To avoid this,
applies a good soothing moisturizer. Massage it into the skin of the feetaswellasthe
nails and cuticles. Leave on for a while, then take some nail polish remover and clean the nails with the
Whenapplyingnailpolish, if there is oil on the nailsurface, the nail polishwillnotstickwell.Therefore, make sure tothoroughly clean anddry your nails before applying nail polish.
● Paint your nails: Next, you need to apply a base coat on your nails. This layer helps establish a strong
base for your nail color. Once the base coat isdry, apply your favorite nail polish. Put onatleastthreecoatsof
for lastingresults.Whendry, apply topcoat and seal Nails
paint securely.
● AnotherFootCreamTrick: Since you wiped all the
FootCreamoff your toes before applying the nail polish, you have
to moisturize your nails. So waituntil the
nail polish is completely drybeforeapplyingaroundoffootcream.It will keep you feeling
coolwhilekeeping your feet healthy and moist.
[Also Read:
7 Homemade Pedicure and Foot Care Tips to GetRidof Tan]
Doing a manicure and pedicure at homeisnotdifficultatall.
Follow this beauty program and say hello to beautiful, healthy,nourished
hands and feet!
Additionaltips for a perfectmanicure and pedicure
1. Always use a base coat and a top coat. If you’relooking to getsalon-quality
manicures and pedicures done at home, herearesomeimportantstepsyoushouldfollow to takecareof your nails from start to finish.
2. Clean the tools after the last manicure and pedicure.
To preventbacterialgrowth and infection,
clean your tools after each use.
3. Hydrateinadvance!Pre-moisturize with hand cream or moisturizer so freshlypainted
nails can dry safely.
Avoid using Q-Tips to clean up nail polish mistakes. Cottonswabsarenotsuitable for this detailed process.
Optinstead for a make-up brush soaked in natural nail polish remover to removeblemishes.
5. Roll – don’t shake!
– Yourbottleof nail polish. This will prevent blistersandallow for smoother manicures and pedicureswiththe
6. Performmanicures and pedicures in a cool, dry environment. So your nail polish can dry completely between coatsof
7. Apply fresh 10-Free nail polish. If your nail polish lookslike salt water taffy, it’s time to getanewbottleof
.Over12monthsold?Get a fresh start with theall new 10-Free nailpolish shade you’ve been lustingafter.