Various hair highlighting techniques use morethanshades and patterns on the hair.Color Balayage HairHighlight is a popular choicefor most men and women as it greatlyenhances the natural look ofhair.You can also try the popular balayage highlight for a makeover.If you love your hair coloringeneral, but want to add depth, dimension and style,youcanchooseHighlights,whichare created using a freehand foillesstechnique.. They give you a sunny natural look orsoft color transitions if you usesoft or bright neon shades.High and lowscorescreatemanycomplex hair color solutions that are difficult to replicate, but you can create your owncomplex hair color that will look better than your inspiration.Brown hair with blonde highlights and blonde highlights in red hair isanideathat most women have tried. Some peoplehave stuck with them –withgreatresults– and someshavetried something alittle more extravagant like purple highlights in dark brown hair or boo highlights in first glance,then you might want to start with a more subduedoption, like red or caramel highlights. We have plenty of ideas for you,nomatter how bold you want yourlocks to be!Types ofTemporary Hair Color:–Temporary Hair Color does not penetrate deep into the hair shaft,itonly works on the outer layer ofhair. It washes outwith one or two shampoos. Temporary hair color highlights are perfect forthemed parties and similar occasions.Semi-PermanentHairColor:-Semi-Permanent Hair Color lastsapproximately4-6shampoos.Becauseit’sammonia-free,is perfect when you want to try out a new hair color.Permanent Hair Dyes:–Permanent hair dyes can last until new hair growsifcaredforproperly. Permanent hair highlights canlastup toyearsif ammonia and oxidizingagentsare mixed into the dye. However, we recommendthatyouonlychoosepermanent hair color highlights if you are sure of your colorchoice.Thedifferencebetweenhairstrands andstrands 1. Thehairstrands are smooth and use thethinnesthair,whilethethick strands usethethickestparts of thehair.2. Thehighlightsuseashade that matches your original hair, while thehighlights use astandoutcolor.3. Thehighlightsofthehair color are broughtcloser, while thestrands have more space between them,whichgives them aboldlook.Hair Color Types Highlight Technique:-Lowlight:-In this technique, the hair isdyedashade darker than the original hair color.Thistechnique contrastswith traditional highlights,whichuse a shade lighter than the original color. Lowlightsworksgreat on blonde hair and adds depth and dimension to your coloredlooks. Indian women can tryMahogany or BurgundyHighlights on dark hair for the same effectBabylights :- These are delicate highlightsdonewith very fine hair thatgivesa natural, subtle yetbeautifuleffect. The head is divided into tinysections, each shaded with aspecularshade, so they can mimic the natural look of a baby’s head, hence the name.Ombre:-This technique createsgradients from dark hair at the roots to lighthair at the endsof,withintermediatecolorsalongthelengthof the hair as transition colors.Balayage:– While thestripesareprominent,the balayage style highlights give a more natural look. In thishair color style, the colorist has hand painted the highlights in a relaxedway,adding depth and dimension to theflathair. Balayage is the use of three or more hair colors.Dip–dyeThis hair dye style uses two hair colors for a clean, bold effect. Dip dyed hair isdarker hair color at the roots and lighterhaircolor at the rootsin.Itdiffers from layersin that there is no intermediate hair shadeto create a smooth transition.#1. Are highlights damaging your hair?Hairdressing uses ammonia and oxidizing agents which can damage your hair if not properlycaredfor. When coloring your hair, use hair care products designed for coloredhair.Therefore, yourshampoo and conditioner need to bereplaced.Then use conditioner to protect hair from UV rays and colorfading.#2. What is the difference between highlights and lowlights?Lowlights involves coloring afew strands of hair a shade darker than your natural hair color.Highlights, on the other hand,is a shade lighter than your natural hair color. Since it’s hard to try dark shades onblack to dark brown hair, berry reds and deep auburn highlights are popular choices for brunettes.#3. How much does it cost to do highlights onthe hair?Hair highlights cost between Rs 3,000 and Rs 10,000 in India.Several factors determine the cost – salon (big brand or local), hair length, hair colorused andhighlighting technique used.#4. How long do streaks last in your hair?different types of hair strandswith different lengths. Permanent highlights can last until new haircomesout, semi-permanent highlightscanuse 4-7 shampoos, temporary highlights canuse about 2-3 shampoosof.BrunetteswithHighlightstoTryDark hair is one of the hottest trends rightnow.Sensual,glamorous and sophisticated, thedazzlestheeyes, and theadds depth and dimension to your overall look. Ifyou want to add life to your black hair, you should considerfor highlights. There are so many variations oftocomplement different skin tones, textures and personal stylesofthatit’shard to pick just one! Whether yourislooking to add alittle extra depth, lightenitup, or inject some color, these highlight ideas will add sparkle to yourlookwithouttakingawayfrom your beautiful base color.Black Hair & Blonde Highlights:–Illuminates your face with buttery blonde highlightsandaddstoyourcomplexionfor an instant glow. Blonde is the perfectshade for those who want to experiment with lighter shades,butdon’twanttolose all their hair.toilluminate your eyes with ahighlighter,thencontinuewithshadowon the lashes.Black Hair with Caramel Highlights:–Caramel Highlights create amoredimensionaleffect, giving your hair instant shine and depthwith ayouthful glow. Keepyourblack base with creamy caramel undertonesto add shinesummer to your hair – the contrastingcoloris sure to turnheads.Startcoloringin the centerof the hair for a natural organicshade.Black Hair with Blonde Ombre Highlight:Transition into the warmer months with creamy blondeombretoaddshine to your look and hair. Start the highlights near the roots,, and gradually getlighter.Make the dark shade the focalpointofat the top of thehairlineandaddslivers of gold where the sun naturally hitsit– leaving nothing but beautiful blonde hairin.Usetoneroccasionally,keepingthecopper at bay.Brown highlights on blackhair:–Brown highlights catchthe light and create a varieddimensional look. Pull the brown shadows near the centerofthehair and lightly blend them with the ebonyhair. Theombre is easy to maintain, and evenifyou’re in the‘s office all day,you’lleffortlesslylooktohavespentyourdayinthesun.Platinum Highlights on Black Hair:-Treat yourself toboldglamor with icy highlights; the perfect shadefor those with light eyes and pale skin. This look needs a bit of workonthe, but it’sdefinitelyworthit. Copper highlights on blackhair:–For classic highlights with copper. Depending on howmuch intensity you wantto convey, copper is the perfect shade for those who prefer subtlety, and for those who want to add some drama,copperissynonymouswith!Start with a slow but intense burgundy shade near the topoftheheadof,addingmoredepthtothehairbyblendingthecopperburgundy.Apair ofgold strands will add morehighlights to your eyes and make yourhair look like a sparkling jewel.Full Highlights on Black Hair:–Adds depth to every look of hair with full highlights,preventshairfromlookingflat.A sophisticatedblend of dark to light brownsadds texture and dimension to darkhairwithout theoverwhelming your undertone. These highlights look best inwhen looking at your eyeliner, so every time you move your head, a new shade catches the light and keepsalleyeson you.Burgundy Highlights on Black HairIdeal for darker skin tones, burgundy highlights add a warm,colored glow to black hair. Starting witha dark rednear the front, you can start sweeping the soft color through the middle of the hair. Thisshade is verydelicate,anod will givesomeone a nicesurprise.Balayage Highlights on Brunettes:–Balayage is the perfect way to transition to a lighter shade ofwithout looking harsh.Balayage highlights will soften your features and brighten your face. Unlike ombre,balayage is a natural progression from dark to light,highlight colors start near the crown of your head andcolorsblend naturally into your hair. Paint theinvarious shades and colors of your choice to create multi-dimensional and intricatecombinations;youwillget compliments all daylong.Natural Highlights for Black Hair:–staysfresh and bringstogether natural highlights that enhance your beautiful tone without overwhelming it.You don’tneedtoblondyourto giveitcharacter,thewill do the trickwithagraytone! With a natural color, you starttofade near theonthetop of the head and keep it constant all the way to the ends of thehair. Whatever your hair type, this shade will keep your hair looking its healthiest..Black Hair with Red Highlights :-Make it bold and fun with a pop of color. Red highlights add a flattering and sexy effect to dark hair.For lesssubtleshades, start withandhitthe highlights at the hairline,blendingtherest of the waxinto. Be sure to rejuvenate the redswithColorEnhancer every few weeks, as this fiery shadeneeds always look fresh.Brunette with purplehighlights:–isUVirradiated and turns heads with beautiful purple highlights. The darker shade accentuates your eyes and addsmagic to your hair. You don’t have to havetheshadeof purple everywhere – you can have it here and therehereandthere,andthestill maintains an edgy, fashion-forward approach.This color combination is great for all textures, so don’t be afraid to add different shades of purple to create more dimension and depth to your hair.Black Hair with Blue Highlights:-Blue Highlights whileremainingrefined and clean.The blue intensity ofwill catch the lights and give the impression ofcharm.Just like purple, you don’tneed to concentrate the color on allaspects of your hair, justadd a few streaks of blue to give your hair a fresh and attractivelook. Start with highlights underthebrowboneand lighten a few strands of hairoccasionally.Thiscolorcombo is the perfect way to giveaanunderstatedyet rock-chic look.Brunette with Auburn highlightsDimensionallook with Auburn highlights. The shade flattersolive skin tones and adds depth to your features. Start with a red shade near the face at theroots, then sweep thejeweltones through the middle and ends of the hair. This shadeof redis the perfect way to feel sexy without too much effort – these highlights are sure to grabeveryone’sattentioninyour.Icy Blonde Highlights forBrunettes:-Be the ice princess you were meant to be with cool blonde highlights.Likethe balayage,The key to making this shade look effortless is the natural placement of the highlights. Start at the roots of thehairwithfor a full, icy shinewithastreakortwo, then combthroughsubtlytoleavea darker shadeabove theand deeper from the ears to the tips.Mix honey blonde with cooler colors to avoid sharpcolorcontrasts. This color combination is perfect for allseasons and textures.Black Hair GoldHighlightscompletes your look and givesyouaradiantglow. The golden shadeistheperfectcomplementto your deep black tones. This colorcombination creates a youthfullookthatwillhave you lookinglikethe catwalk. Dyeblonde from ear length to the ends of your hair for a beachy, sun-kissed vibe, or startwithroots for a lived-in, celebrity-inspired “do”.Brunette with Subtle HighlightsPreserves your beautiful blackhair with softhighlights thataccentuate your darkshadows and keep themmulti-dimensional.Blondeisn’t the only option for bringingbrunettes to life; never forget that minuscan be more. Gray tones keep your hair fresh andrefined without compromising your naturalshade. Refined highlights can start anywhere the sun hitsthehair; a shade or two lighter than your naturalbase color is perfect for those who want to keepitmodest.Auburn Highlights forBrunettes:-Addsparkle to your brunettes with warmAuburnHighlights.Perfect for olive and dark skin tones,thesehazelnutshadessuit all hair types.Shading can start at the cornersofthehead,startingatthetopofthehead or near theeyeliner,thenworkdowntheto the ends of the hair. Don’t be afraid to combine earth tones –creating rich shades,will brighten up your look and bringyourhair to life.Short Black Hair with Highlights:-You don’t have to have long hair to enjoy highlights! Cute bob or pixie hairstyles withhighlights willaccentuate your hair and draw attention to you in the best possibleway. The ends of the hair mayfeaturebangsina lighter color than the roots, but the length of the hair will add a whole new dimension to yourlook.Coordinatethebeautifuldarkshadewiththelightershadeoftomake it bold,chic and sexy all at once. Partial Balayage onBrownHair:-Preservemost of your beautifulbrownhair with the partial balayage. Soft highlights gradually illuminatesome, but not all, of‘shair, giving depth and a refined frame. Choose anyshade you like;youdon’talways have to be blonde to get a greatbalayage.Choose shadesof gray, chestnut or chocolate brown for a style that doesn’trequirehigh maintenance or a strict treatment regimen.Partial Balayage isPerfect for those who don’tmind going to the barber everysix weeks; let it grow and seehowbeautiful it stays.Light brownhair with streaks and highlights:–There is a joke that claimsthat everything is simple withwomen: straight hair should be braided, curly –straightened,short –lengthened, long – cut. We could go on and add thatblondes want to be brunettes,andthat brunettes see themselves as blondes in their dreams. Withstrands, any variationin hair color is softened. It can be very subtle andwilldefinitelymatch your natural hair color.Or,forexample, you couldbe a “bronde”, a mix of brunette and blonde, why not? Plus, there are tons of greatresolutions,including full/partial highlights andlowlights. Here are50 of the most famousgalleries.Highlights and Lowlights:-Highlights are the spice of your dark brown or light brown hair.Well-chosenanddonelockscanlookgreatoneven the simplest hairstyles.They’llflatter your eye color and skin tone, they’llcomplement your hair, andlooksgorgeous whether you wear it loose or witha sophisticated updo.Basically thehighlightis at least 2 shades lighter than the natural color. When donewithcare,theisallaboutthem.Somebits are more locallymade, from crown tofringe,egor mostlyinsilkvarieties.Lowlights are sometimes added to 3-tone paints.Lowlights are usually at least 2shades darker than your natural hair. To create highlights and/orhighlights on brown hair dye, use thetraditionalfoil technique for precise highlights, or use the balayage method when applyingthedye with theSpecialtyPalette. latest hair trends suggest natural and subtle transitions in hair colors and tones,making your basecolormore vibrantandaccentuating your eyes and skin tone. Forexample,pale skin and soft brown hair go well with,and highlights areonlya shade lighter. However, you can also opt for a more contrasting anddaringsolution.Peek a Boo Highlights for Any Hair ColorLooking for a way to revive your hair color while maintaining that healthy shine? Well peep boo highlights are the answer to yourprayers. Addingabitof color without the previousbleach, theisa fun style thatwon’tdowhatyouwantwithout causing damage or split ends. HighlightsofPeek a Boo Highlightscolor can be applied to the bangs, sides or back sectionof, making the possibilities ofendless. You can choose anycolor you want whether natural or not, includingpastel and neon color,youwill never use them assolid hair color.Just a littlecolorpreview of the, say hello, andyou’ll be turning heads in no time!Two-ToneHairstyles:-Want two-tone hair? Browse these 40 styles and decide whichtechnique captures your vision of your own color. Trendy hair today is always complexcolors,whichmeans solid colors are alwaysgood, but if you want a really chichairstyle, youneed to incorporate subtle or more obvioushighlights into your hair.Whether you are blonde, brunette or redhead, there are no rules but absolute freedom toexpressyourself.Bringverysophisticatedpastels,earthtones, silver tones or neon hues into your new hairstyleafterpropelled it to the top of hairstyletrends.Peek-a-boos are the most commontwo-tone hair and styles with added color. The “pop” can beaas strong as your stylistimaginedittobe, or it can add depth without thetypical cookie-cuttershimmer.Color placement depends on your overall goals as well as your hairstyle.Essentially, thecolor is meantto“look” or “hide”in your hair, creatinglots ofmovement and dimension.Purple highlights for blondes,brunettes and reds:Addingvibrantcolorto your hair can be so much fun! Allthecolors of the rainbow are at your fingertips, includingshades of purple! It usedtobethe color of royalty, reserved only for the wealthiest and most respected,as the source of the color itself was very rare (like pretty disgusting– snails and seaurchins!)butnow we have the“withoutAnimals”Of all the shades available, if you choose to unleash your creativityand indulge in bold or muted purple highlights!Best Hair Colors for Purple Highlights:-It all depends on the shade andshade of purple.Darker,brighter purples bringout the depth and richness of dark browns and blacks, while mutedpurpleslike lavender can bebeautifulaccentsoncool-toned blondes. Cherry red hair withahintofpurpleis another sparkly story ofthe daring girl.Checkout the images below for inspiration!Having brown hair with purple highlights can be a brave (or shy) choice. Here we like the brighterRadiantwith a deeper shadowonit.If you’relookingfor a sexy yet alternative look, theseshades are for you!LowLight Ideas for Rich Dimensional ColorI’m sure you’ve heard the term lowlight before, but what are they and what dotheydo? To achievelowlights, your stylist will add color a few shades darker than your base color using thehighlight technique or even balayage. Thus, the lowlights and the highlights are obtained using the same technique, thediffersdependingon whether the colored lineis darker or lighter than the base color.Blends lowlights and highlights tocreate contrast and dimension, resulting in beautifulcolor transitions.Read on for acompleteguideto lowlights vs highlights and the best examples of usinglowlights to enhancehair colors.When lowlighthairis a goodidea :-There are different reasons why you want lowlighthair.Sometimes you are just lookingforsizefor highlighted hair. In this case, adding the darker color will make the lighterhighlights morevisible. This is very common with the moderndimensional colorswhicharevery popular today.Checkout this example of blonde hair without highlights. It looks more solid and containsless dimensions.Another situationwherecoloristsrecommendlowlight is setting hair color aftersummers when your hair is really shiny or brassy from the sun. Lowlights can help you getridof some of the copper and makeyourmanelook nice andnatural.Also, women who are oftenblonde and have astreakof highlights may need to go back to the dimensionthey startedwith.If so, adding LowLightmay bring back some of the natural hair color.When styling lowlights, you want to add waves or curls tohair – this will make itlook better. If you havestraighthair, highlights and lowlights willnotbe as noticeableasonthe.Pintura Highlights:The bestcoloringtechnique for curlyhair:-You have curly hair and want a changecolored, but not too drasticwillneverdamage your perfect curls. Sound familiar?Pintura highlights areprobably one of the best coloring techniques forcurls.We’llfindout how this trend canadd dimension to yourpageantsweater in a way that traditional metallic highlights can’t.We also have super hot pintura hair pics for your next appointmentatsalon.WhatisthehighlightofthePintura?wasfounded by Brazilianhairstylist Dennis Da Silva, co-founder of DevaCurl.The word pintura actually means“painting” in Brazilian Portugueseandmayhavecome from daSilva’s native language.Pintura highlights areidealfor curly hair and wavy girls. Thisis because tightly curled curls don’t reflect light like wavy curlsdo and therefore require brighter highlights to bringoutthe shine. ArePintura wicksharmful?Everytime you add permanent color to your hair, itcausesdamage. But because no foils and extreme heat are used, and because roots and most natural hair can be left untouched, it’s a healthier choice for hair.How to get the appearance?Pintura highlights use a similar technique to other popular haircolor buzzwords you’llfind everywhere:balayage, for example. The difference is the amount of color applied from themiddleofthehair to the roots. The Pinturahighlights don’tjustgo heavy on the ends, but actually work the color from the endsup.Essentially, it’s a way tohand-paintnatural highlights ontocurls for greatcolor,allowingthetoreallyshine through your hair.Your colorist should strategically place the color where the light hits,notthe foil technique where thecolorist will most likely stretch the curl to place the color and wrap it in aprocessed foil onpaper. When handdyeingusing the Pintura technique, the colorist may leave your natural curls intact so the color hits the correctpointstocreate a pop of color.Whetheryouwantsummerbronzer,lotsofgold,orjustatouchofpink,coloristscancrankupthecoloranywaytheywant. You can bring out the best inyour home.Whatis the differencebetweenpartial and fullreflections?Want highlights to addlifeto your hair, but not sure if you want partial or full highlights?Whatis the difference between partial highlights and full highlights?We’llwalkyouthrough how to get each look and how to choosethethat’s right for you (hint: the answer could be both!).With 10 photos of each style, you’ll be able to seethedifference in no time. look!What isalocallightspot?Partial highlights are the women you see withabitof coloraround the face for a lightening or framing effect. Yourstylist might call them “half-headhighlights.”Most of their naturalcolor willlikelyshowupon the back and around theneck. top half of hair ortop half and frontofhairtocreatepartialhighlights.Since the highlights only touch part of thehair, yourstylist may recommend that you “lightenthebase”tomakethe highlights lookmorenatural than your Alittlelighter.BenefitsofPartialHighlights:■ Less less potential for damage because it bleaches hairless.■ They are more affordable than full highlights.■ They can be placed where you want the sun to naturally illuminateyourfront hair.DisadvantagesofPartialHighlights:■ When you wear your hair up (like a ponytail),youcan’tseemostofthecolor.■ You cannot go “fullblonde” or change color significantly with only partial highlights, because at least half of yourhairwillstillhaveitsnaturalcolor.Let’ssee how spot highlights can add a naturalpop of color to your hair using differenttechniques and a range of colors