1/4″ rollers won’t take up too much room in your bathroom.
Revlon Perfect Heat Curl To Go Travel Hair Setter
These travel-friendly curlers instantly reduce frizz. Take them with you on your next trip (hopefully soon!) for quick and easy styling
Xtreme Big Curls Hair Clipper
If you’re looking for a slightly wavy shaggy look, choose the big curling iron.
The barrel is 1.5 inches thick, so it produces
body tons in no time.
Custom Hair Extensions
Want gorgeous long hair but don’t have the time or patience to wait for it to grow out? Then check out
try hair extensions! Hair extensions look natural, but can take a while to apply.
Choosing Hair Extensions
1 Decide what type of hair you want. Hair extensions come in two different brands:
Synthetic or Human. Synthetic hair extensions are an artificial keratin/plastic hybrid that mimics the look of
human hair. Human hair is donated by real people and reused in hair extensions. Human hair also has
grades, Brazil, India, Malaysia the most popular three.
All the best qualities and
human hair textures are in their most natural state allowing for straightening, curling and even dyeing to your desired color
. Brazilian, Indian and Malaysian natural hair will have varying degrees of texture,
such as wavy (natural C-shape throughout the weft), natural curls (a bit straight, natural body and fullness towards the ends and tight curls (weft) has a very natural tight ring). When choosing Human Hair
for installation it is always best to use hair closest to your own natural texture, this will ensure an even blend of the
when installing the extensions.
○ Synthetic hair extensions mimic the look of human hair well, but lack the texture of natural hair. In
synthetic hair extensions tend to be shinier than natural human hair.
○ Human hair is much more expensive than synthetic hair, but it is also more versatile and looks more natural. Unlike synthetic extensions, they can be
styled, chemically treated, dyed, washed and styled with hot tools.
2. Think clip-in hair extensions. It is
synthetic or human hair attached with clips at the bottom that allows for temporary
hair extensions.
This is a great option if you just want to add
extensions for specific events or dates.
○ These are the cheapest hair extensions on the market and the
the easiest to install. Installation only takes a few minutes.
○ Plugin extensions need to be installed daily as they start dropping
during the day. They don’t sleep well.
● Since fusion extensions are difficult to apply yourself, a friend or stylist should
apply them for you for best results.
Apply clip-in extensions
1 Buy extensions to match your hair color. The
weft is a single row of hair sandwiched between layers of your own hair to add
length. You can buy synthetic hair or human hair in the weft, with the latter
being the more expensive of the two options .
● Match your colors as closely as possible.
hair extensions are designed to look natural and they cannot do that if there is a simple hair color difference.
● Find the right hair length. Although you
naturally want your extension length to be longer than your current size, avoid
adding a huge difference between your natural
length and your extension. Not only does it clearly look fake, but it costs a lot more at
. Stick to 4 inches (10.
s have an extra 2cm in length).
2 Divide your hair into sections. To do this, pull all the hair on top of your head into a
ponytail. Leave a small section of hair around your neck/back. As you add extensions you will continue to lose
hairs, each about an inch.
3 Comb your hair. Take a back comb and comb the roots of your hair. You want your hair to add ½ to
inches of volume at your hairline.
● Comb your hair so that the extensions have a good hold. Natural hair is too smooth with
, so clips cannot be used for long periods of time without the strands slipping.
● Root combing can also cover haircuts. This makes it harder to tell if you are wearing extensions.
4 Take a section and cut the hair from the root. You should be able to deepen the
hairs you have combed for best results.
● Make sure the extensions are evenly spaced so that the hair is the same length all over the head.
● It can cause the hair to appear layered. Applies expansion in
evenly spaced vertical sections. You may need to trim the extensions to match your natural hair
● Feel free to trim or trim your extensions to match the rest of your hair. You don’t have to leave them with the
because they come out of the box.
5 Pull another section of hair out of the ponytail. Repeat the same steps above, combing through the roots of all
hairs, adding one at a time.
6 Finish your hairstyle. Comb the hair from the roots, then brush the top layer to smooth it. Your
clip-in extensions should be fully blended so you cannot see them at your hairline.
● If you can see traces for the extensions, rearrange them so they are not visible
● Even with your hair in a
ponytail, make sure your extension clips are out of sight. They should be close enough to the root and blended enough
layers so that they are invisible to the naked eye