Ravi Shankar / TOI Education /Feb 29, 2024, 11:41 IST
Punjab Police invites applications for 1746 Constable vacancies in District and Armed Cadre Application Window: March 14 to April 4,2024, Apply online through the Punjab police recruitment portal upload documents and pay fees.

NEW DELHI : Punjab police has released an online notification inviting applications form eligible candidates for the post of constable in District and Armed Cadre of Punjab Police 2024. Candidates who are interested and wish to apply for the vacancies shall note that application window will open on March 14 and the last data to submit the application form is April 4,2024 till 11:55 PM. Candidates can check the Punjab Police recruitment portal for recruitment related information at https://iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2024 or visit the the Punjab Police official website at punjabpolice.gov.in
How to apply for Punjab police Recruitment 2024
Step 1: Go to the official website at iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2024
Step 2: On the appeared page, click on the application link available for Punjab Police Constable Recruitment 2024.
Step 3: A new window will open, register yourself and generate the login credentials.
Step 4: Use the created login details to access you dashboard and fill out the online application form.
Step 5: Upload the necessary documents as asked and make the payment of application fees.
Step 6: Download the confirmation page and take its printout for further reference.
The applications are invited to fill up a total of 1746 Constable vacancies, of which 970 are for District Cadre and 776 vacancies are for Armed Cadre.