Drying your hair may seem like aneasy task, but doingitthewrongway can leadto frizzy, limp, or messyhair. There are
distinct hair types, each requiring special care. This
article will give you some tips on how to air and blow dry curly,
curly/textured and straight hair.
Air dryhair
1.Towel dry hair.
If you can, try a
microfiber towel or a clean old t-shirt. Microfiber Towel&TeeSoft
for all hair types. They are less likely to snag, tear or tear your hair than regular towels. Microfiber towels and t-shirts can also helpthe
reduce frizz.
Combthe hair when it is about 50% dry. Use a widetooth comb to do this. Divideinto small sections,
, starting at the end of the hair and working your way up. Never comb
straight from the roots unless your hair is completely tangled.Thiswouldleadto hair breakage,
● Ifhairistangled,sprayalittle leave-in conditioner before brushing.
2. Add your favorite hair products. To blow-dry like a pro, you can use alittleGel
for extra hold or a cream to tame frizz and dryness. You can also add
lightweight foam for more volume.
3. Style hair in desired style before blow-drying.Whenbrushinghair,stylethe
inanystyle you want. For example, you can twist sections into curls, brushthem
to smooththem, or loosenthe hair around the roots to add volume.
Consider wrapping a towel around your shoulders. It will help keep your clothes dry,
and is a great idea in the colder winter months. If desired, secure the ends of the
towel with hair ties or bobbypins.
5. Let hair dry, then style asdesired.
Once the hair is completely dry, you can
add styling cream or hairspray. If yourhairisprone to frizz, add pomade.
Place a small amount of product inthepalmof your hand and use your fingers to work the product intothe
● Do not brush if your hairiscurly,curlyortextured. If you do, you will break
Your hair will become frizzy, frizzy and thicker.Instead, separate the
curls withyourfingers.
● If you have straight hair, you can add volume by placingseveral
Velcro curlersin the upper layers of your hair. Spray curlers and hair with
hairspray. Wait a few minutes, then remove the roller.
Curly, curly, or texturedhair
1. Find a t-shirt. If you can, try to buya
long sleeve. Any t-shirt will do, but if you have thick or long
hair you may need a longer t-shirt. big.
● T-shirts are made of
,a softer material than towels.
Because they’re so smooth, they won’tgetcaughtin your
hair. This will help reducetears, tears, and frizz.
2. Squeeze excesswater
from hair and apply hair careproduct. The best time to add
hair product to curly, curly or textured hair types is when the hair is still damp.
● If the hair is tangled, it can becombed gently at this stage.Using a wide-toothed comb, divideinto
small sections, starting at the ends first. Never use a brush.
3. Layout a T-shirt on a chair or table.
Armholes and collars should be facing you,
hem should be facing away from you.
4. Leaningagainst the shirt,blowthe hair onto the fabric. Try to keepthe hair centered.
Your hair should be exactly between the shirt and the top of your head.
You want your head tobe very close to the shirt and voluminoushairwithout touching it.
5. Turn the hem of the shirt over the head. Use
fingerstopinch the hem to lift it off the table or chair. Bring it to your neck and let go.
The hem must
cover the entire back,head and neck.
6. Pull the front of the shirt overthe forehead. Grabbing the shoulders oftheshirt,
pulls it against your forehead. Slide your handdown the sleeve and hold itfirmly.
7. Wrap the arms of the shirt around your head and tie a knot. Pull arm
behind the head. They should gothrough the hemoftheshirt. Tie them togethertightly.
If the sleevesof
are long enough, they can bewrapped around thehead and tiedjust above theforeheadof
● Shirt sleeves holdthehood of your shirt in place.
8..Hairtakes a while to dry, depending on thethickness or lengthofthehair.
[2] About
people like dullIf the sleeves are too short, try securing them with bobby pins or safety pins.
9. Wait untilthe hair isdry before drying the rest of the hair.
You can also let it dry overnight.
Drying curlyhair
Gather your supplies. Curly hair is different from straight hair,
requires special care. People with wavy hair can also use this method. If you have
curly or textured hair, you might want to try this. Here’s whatyouneedfor
Diffuser attachment
Wide-tooth comb
Leave-in conditioner
Stylinggel or cream (optional)
Conditioner or oil
Comb hair to remove tangles. Start at the endfirst and work your way to the rootof
small pieces. Use a widetooth comb.
3.Apply some leave-in conditioner to your hair.
You want to do it while your hair is still
wet.[3]Whenfinished,gently squeeze excess water out of hair.
4.Consider applying styling gel to your hair. Workthegelintoyourhairwith your fingers or a widetoothcomb.
Start at the root and work your way upto the end.Afterapplying the gel, shakethe curls a little, this will help reform them. You don’t have to, but the
gel will help give shape and structure toyourcurls
5.Attachthe diffuser to the nozzle of your hairdryer.A diffuser helps distribute heat and the
prevents hair from getting too frizzy.
It will also help the curls hold their shape.
6.Drythe hair from the roots using the low or medium heat setting. If your
hairdryer has a speed setting, use the medium setting. Try not to dry the ends of your hair.
They tend to be the drierpartofthe
, so the less heat you use on them the better.
7.Immediatelyafterdryingyourhair,apply some serum or oil to your hair. Start with a pea-sized
.Ifyouwant your hair straight,run your fingers or a wide-tooth comb throughit,orfan it out with your fingers,thenrunyourhandsthrough your hair to holdthecurlsinplace.
Start with your
hairline and work back. Apply a pea-sized amount of serum or oil to the hair, starting atthehairline.[6]
● If you areusing gel and your hair is too bushy,brushitout a bit until the clumps
● If you want your hair tolookfuller,useyourfingers
to gently massage your scalp.
Drying curly or texturedhair
Gather your supplies. Curly or textured hair looksfabulous,butit’salsofragile and prone to damage. If yourhairiscurly or textured, you’ll need to take a few extra steps to protect it from the 4,444degree heat fromyourhair dryer. Here’s what you’ll need:
● Hairdryer
● Widetooth comb attachment
● Heat protectant spray
● Mousse or styling mousse
● Pomade or serum
● Widetooth comb
Roundbrush ● Ceramic4 brush .4.comb your hair
Use thewidetoothcomb and
tocomb the ends of the hair first. Only comb your hair directly from the
roots if your hair is completely detangled.
3.Applyall hair care products while hair is still wet.
If you plan todryyourhair,use a mousseorstylingmousse.
If you want to straighten your hair later, use a styling cream or serum,this
will furtherprotectyourhair.
4.Allow hair to air dry halfwaythrough. You want it to be nearly dry before you start using thehairdryer. If you try to dry your
hair while it’s still damp, you risk“cooking” your hair and damaging it from the inside.
● Consider braiding your hair and letting it dry naturallythroughoutorinbetween.
5.Spray the hair with alittle heat protection spray. Curly, textured hair is fragile and the heat of a hairdryer can really damage it.
Begin drying your hairon low to medium heat.Point the nozzle downwards and hold it at least 15cm away from the hair. If you hold it too close, you can burn yourself or scorch your hair,
even with heat protection spray.
● Try towork in small sections.
● Aim the nozzle at the hair shaft toavoid frizz.
● Start blowing from the back of the head first. This way you don’t have to worry about messing up the
front whenyou’redone.
● Combthehairwith a round ceramic brush.Combthe hair from roottotipwhiledrying the root to tipsection.
● Thehair can bedried without a brush, but mustbestraightenedafterwardswith a flat iron
Blow Straight
1.Gather your supplies. Straight hair is easy to style, but it can also look limp. Luckily, you can take afewmore
steps to improveit. This
section will tell you how to blow dry straight hair; she will also give you
tips on how to give them volume.
Here’s what you’ll need:
Round hairbrush
Hair clips and ties
Volumizingmousse (optional)
Cream to smooth and soften dryand damaged hair (optional) ●
Hairsprayfor volume and style (Optional)
2.Firstdrythe hair with atowel.Press the hairwitha towel. This will help absorb excess moisture, allowing your hair to dry faster.
Apply mousse or styling cream. Use mousse if you want to add volume to your hair. Fight dryness and repair damagewith
4.Attach the nozzle and begin drying hair at
medium heat.
If your hair dryer has a speed setting, use the high speedsetting. Dry the hair until it is about 80% dry, then
turn off the hairdryer.Alwayspoint the nozzle downwards when drying your hair.
● Nozzlehelps direct airflow, keeping your hair a safe distance from the heatofthe
Cut the outer layer of hair. Gather the toplayer of hair like
doesin a halfup,halfdownponytail and secure with clips.
6.Dry the bottom layer of hair. Point the nozzle downwards and detangle
hairwitha round brush while you dry it.
7.Once the hairisdry,removetheunderlyinghair.Ifyouwanttokeep your hair straight,you can pull it back into a low ponytail
. You can also twist it into a loose bun if you want it to have a slight wave
Remove the clips and dry the top layer of hair. Todry the
hair, brush the hair with the nozzle pointingdown. If you want your hair tohavealittlemore volume, the
points the nozzle upwards when you start at the roots. Next, move the
brush up and out in a C-9motion.Pull out a low ponytail or bun,partingthe hair.
You can brush it out and let it separate
naturally. You can also usethemousetailcombhandletocreate your own sections.
10.Comb your hair if necessary. If you want to invertthe ends, run the round brush overthebaseof the
hair and stop when itreaches the ends.
Dry hair on medium heat
first, then air dry to style. Here are some tips on how to style the hair:
● To lightlycurl the ends,brush the round brush through the bottomofthe
hair. Twist it until the ends of the hair are wrapped around.First dry the ends ofthe
in medium air, then dryincoolair.Fresh air will help the
● To smooth the ends, brush them while drying
.Make sure the nozzle isalsopointingdownwards.
● If your hair tends to get very static or flyaway,usealittle styling cream or