Itis an antifungal agent thatcan help reduce the production of testosterone and other
androgens that cancause hair loss. You can also find 1% strength at your local pharmacy, but it may not be as effective.
One of the most common side effects is skin irritation whenusing the product, which appearsas pimple-like bumps. In some people, it can also cause oily or dry hair or scalp, abnormal hair texture, or discoloration. It can also cause permed hair to lose curls.
In rare cases, ketoconazole shampoo can cause hair loss, so tell your doctor right away if you notice this side effectof
Light therapy and
laser therapy Laser devices can stimulate hair growth inthe
patients with androgenic alopecia and alopecia. Other names for laser therapy include:
red light therapy
cold laser
soft laser
Thefollowingdevices are available without a prescription:
pcs4 combs 444
themBeamhighlightingcan also thicken existing hair
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.You can usethe laser treatment 2-3 times a week. It can take weeks to months tosee
Itis important to note that laser treatmentsare not regulatedbythe FDA likedrugs. Long-term safety and other
considerations are unknown. Currently, there are no side effects associated with laser treatment.The
wearableis available without a prescription from companies like HairMax. Their equipmentincludes
laser caps, bands and combs, all designed to stimulate delicatehair follicles and prevent hair from thinning or fallingout.
The HairMax deviceuses laser energy to directly activate and stimulate hair folliclesand promote healthynewhair growth with LowLevelLaserTherapy(LLLT)
.Laser devices help increase blood circulation and remove waste productsfromhairfollicles to promote natural hair growth.
Healthy Habits to PreventFemaleHairLoss
There are other things you can do at home for healthy hair and scalp.
These methods may be particularly helpful if your hair loss is caused by:
TelogenEffluvium (TE) –the second most common form of hair loss diagnosed by dermatologists,
occurs when thenumberoffolliclesthatproducehairThishappenswhenthereis a change in hair growth
Hair trauma fromstyling
1.Try to choose gentle hair care
Stay away from tighthairstyles like braids, buns or ponytailshorse,And resist twisting or rubbing
your hair.
Gently wash or brush the hair, switching to a wide-tooth comb if necessary to avoidpullingtheroots too much.
Hot rollers, curling or straightening irons, hot oil treatments,
bleaching and other chemical processes shouldalsobeavoided.
2. Choose NutritiousFoods
You may want to try foods that arericherinnutrientsthat help regrowhair.
Eating a variety of whole foods rich in vitamins and minerals,forexample, will help nourish your body and the areas responsible for hair regrowth.
Foods rich in vitamin A, suchas sweet potatoes, carrots, squash,spinach and kale, can help regrowhair.
Eating whole grainsrichinBvitamins, almonds, fish and meat can also help.
Foods rich invitaminC, including strawberries, peppers, guava and citrus fruits, can help produce a protein calledcollagen
– an important buildingblock of hair.
If you suspect adeficiency in certain vitamins, see your doctor who can perform blood tests to check your vitamin
levels and treat any other dietary problems, such as eating disorders or medical conditions that mayprevent
nutrient absorption.
Iron and zinc supplements
Consider asking your doctor for iron and zinc supplements.
Adeficiency in these vitamins isthought to cause hair loss, and proper supplementation with
can help reverse the effects of many conditions, suchas alopecia areata.
You can also talk to your doctor about blood tests to check your iron and zinc levels.
From there, if you and your doctor determine that you need asupplement, you can work with them to find therightdoseof
basedon your deficiency.
Excessive or unnecessary supplementation can be dangerous, so consult your healthcare professional before
adding any new supplements to your diet.
4. Try acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for thousands of years.
Acupuncturehas many applications, and some researchers believe it can help treat hair loss causedby alopecia areata.
Needles inserted into the scalp can help stimulate hair follicles and promote regeneration.
More research needs to be done in this area, but some smaller studies
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have shown promising results.
Ifthistherapysoundsappealingtoyou,consider asking your doctor for a referral to a licensed acupuncturist.
5. Dealingwith stress
Although trauma can come on suddenly and unexpectedly, you can help dealwiththe ongoing stress
in your life throughexercises(likeyoga) or mindfulness techniques(likemeditation).
Some researchers are even studying these alternative treatment modalities in relation to hair lossreversal. The ideabehind
is that yoga and meditation can help regulate blood sugar and improve circulation, whichcanpromoteregeneration.
How do I know which hair loss treatment is right for me?
Choosing a hair loss treatment plan is a very personal decision. When exploring your options, itis best to speak with your
doctor to first determinethecauseof your hair loss sothat the best treatmentcanbeselected. Some people aresuccessfulwith
home remedies or over-the-counter hair loss treatments, whileothers are better offwith medications and
prescription treatments.
How DoYouKnowYouHaveHairLoss?
Signs of hair loss vary from person to person, but you may notice abuildupof hair in the
hairbrush or shower drain, or thinning hair on your scalp. A dermatologist can help you understand if you have
hair loss, excessive hair loss, or both, anddetermine the underlying cause.
When should I see a doctor?
Considerseeingadermatologistif you notice sudden or patchy hair loss or a rash on your scalp. Sudden hair loss
mayindicate an underlying medical condition that may require treatment.
If you are sufferingfrom hair loss, remember that youarenot alone.
According to a study, hair loss affects approximately 40% of
women atthe age of 50. Although it can be a dauntingexperience, there are
effective treatment options available to many.
Some conditions that cause temporary hair loss go away without
treatment or simple lifestyle changes. Others may respond well to
regenerativetreatments, so starting early is essential.
Before beginning any treatment, consult your dermatologist to find outwhichcourseof treatment is right for you.
10 homeremediesfordandruff.
Dandruff is characterized by itchy white scales on thescalpthat can be uncomfortable and
inconvenient to manage. It can also cause other symptoms such as greasy patches on the scalp and tingling onthe skin.
However, dandruffis easy to treat and relatively common, with some reports estimating that the condition affects 42% of infants and 1-3% of adults worldwide
Dandruff can be caused by avarietyof factors, including dry skin,sebumExcessive dermatitis, sensitivity
to hair products and the growth
of certaintypes of fungi that live on the scalp Although there are many over-the-counter products designed to treat dandruff, natural remedies
are often all as effective.
Here are 10 simple home remedies to get rid of dandruffnaturally.
TeaTreeOil Tea tree oil has historically been used to treat conditions such as
acne and psoriasis.
It has also beenshown to have powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory propertiesthat
can help relieve symptoms of dandruff.Seborrheicdermatitis
and dandruff
Another study found that applying placental tissue soaked in tea tree oil
to the skin healed lesions caused by this fungus
moreeffectivelythanprescriptionantifungaltreatments.In an earlier study, 126 people with dandruff used a daily shampoo containing 5% tea tree. oil or
placebos. After 4 weeks, tea tree oil reduced symptom severity by 41% and improved oiliness and pruritus
compared to placebo
.However, more high-quality research is needed.
Additionally, tea tree oil may cause irritation in people with sensitive skin.
Therefore, itis best to dilute a few drops of
in a carrier oil such as coconut oil before applying it directly to the skin.
Tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the severity and symptoms of
2. Coconut oil
Recognized for its many health benefits, coconut oil is also used as a natural remedy for dandruff.
It works by improving skin hydration and preventing dryness, which can makedandruffworse.
Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties that may reduce inflammation and symptomsof
dandruff, but more research is needed.
4. Reduce stress levels
Stress is thought to affect many aspects of health and well-being,affecting everything from chronic disease
to mental health
Although stress itself doesnot cause dandruff, it canexacerbate symptoms such as dryness and itching
Long–Chronically high levelsof stress can alter or suppress theactivityof your immune system, which canweaken your body’s ability to fight certain fungal infections and skin conditions that causedandruff.The most common cause of dandruff —
About 28% ofpeoplesay stress is a trigger for dermatitis symptoms
To manage stress levels, you can try stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing
or aromatherapy.
Stress weakens your immune system and reduces your body’s ability to fight infections that cause
dandruff. Inaddition, stress often precedes theonset of seborrheic dermatitis, one of the most common causes ofdandruff
5. Apple CiderVinegar
Apple cider vinegar has various health benefits
and is often used as a natural remedy for dandruff
Thisis because the acidity ofvinegar is believed to help stimulate
removal of dead skin cells on the scalp.
Apple Vinegar is also said to fightdandruffbybalancing the pH of the skin at
to reduce fungal growth.
However, thereis no researchto support these claims.
Many of the purported benefits of apple cider vinegar for dandruff are based on anecdotal evidence
In fact, a small study in 22 people found that applying diluted apple cider vinegar topically to the skin didnot improve eczema or skin barrier integrity –it even exacerbatedirritation.
That said, test-tube studies haveshown that apple cider vinegar and its compounds caninhibit the growth of certain
types of fungiPrevent
If youwant to try apple cider vinegar, add a few tablespoons to your shampoo or mix it with
essential oils and spray it directly on your hair.
Although no research supports these claims, apple cider vinegar is believed to exfoliate dead skin cells
and balance the pH of the scalp to reduce dandruff.
6. Aspirin
Salicylic acid, one of the main compounds found in aspirin,has anti-inflammatory
This acid is also an ingredient in many anti-dandruff shampoos.
It works by helping to breakdownflaky skin and loosenthescales so they can be removed
In an earlier 4-week study, 19 dandruff sufferersweregiven two medications containing pyroxamide and salicylic acid
.Orashampoocontainingpyrithionezinc. Both shampoos reduced dandruff, but
shampoo containing salicylic acid was more effective
in reducing the severity of dandruff) shampoo toreduce irritation and significantlyimproveitchyscalp in 10 people with inflamedskin scalp
For an easy remedyfordandruff, try crushing two aspirin tablets and adding the powder to your shampoo before the
Aspirin contains acidsalicylic, an ingredient found in many dandruff shampoos. This acid
has been shown to be effective in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in your body.
Not only do they make up the cell membrane that
surrounds cells, but theyare also essential for the functioning of the heart,
immune system and lungs
Inaddition, omega-3s are essentialforhealthyskin. They help controlsebum production and hydration
, promote wound healing and prevent
premature aging
A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids can leadtoavarietyof
symptoms, including dry hair, dry skin and even dandruff
fatty acids can reduce inflammation, which canrelieve
symptomsof irritation and dandruff
.Oily fish like salmon, trout and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. You can also take fish oil supplements or increase your intake of other omega-3richfoods such as flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for skin health and can help reduce inflammation.
Adeficiency can cause dry skin, dry hair and dandruff.
8. Probiotics
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that have been linked to many health benefits, including allergy protection,
lowering cholesterol levels and increasing weight loss
These bacteria can also improve immune functionand help your body fight off fungal infections
that cause dandruff
In fact, one study showed that using probiotics for 56 days significantly reduced theseverityof dandruff in 60 people
Itwasalso Probiotics have been shown to help treat and prevent skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis
, especially in infants and children.
Probiotics are widely available in supplement form for quick and easyadministration. They are also found in many
fermented foods such as kombucha, kimchi, tempeh, sauerkraut and natto.
Probiotics can help boost immune function and have been shown to reduce theseverityofdandruff.
9. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a quick, convenient, and readily available dandruff remedy.
Itisconsidered a gentle exfoliant thatremoves dead skin cells and reduceschafing and itching. It also has
antifungal properties that helptreatdandruff.
Aprevious test-tube study measured the antifungal effect of baking soda against some of the
most common fungal strains that cause skin infections and found that it completely inhibited fungal growth in 79% of samples after 7444 days .
Another earlier study looked at the effects of baking soda on 31 people with psoriasis.
Treatment with baking soda
bathing significantly reduced itching and irritation after just 3 weeks
However, more research is needed as one study found baking soda had no effect on psoriasis, hydrationofskin
or redness oftheskin
becausefor best results, apply baking soda directly to hair and massage into scalp. Leaveon for 1-2 minutes,
, then continue shampooing as usual.
10. Avoid certain foods
Although more research is needed on the link between diet and dandruff, some people may
find that limiting certain foods canreduce inflammation, which may help improve scalp health.
Additionally, some studies haveshown that dietary changescan prevent fungal infections by controlling yeast growth
and improving the gut microbiome, which may helptreatdandruff
Refinedcarbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta, tortillas and cookies
red meat
processed foods
fried foods
sugary foods and drinks
Also, certain foods cancause flare-ups of skin conditions such as eczema which cancause
Althoughthe specific trigger foods vary from person to person, some of the most common are white flour,
gluten-containing products, and nightshades such as eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes
SummaryDietary changes can reduce inflammation and prevent yeastinfections.,can help treat
dandruff. Certain foods can also trigger eczemasymptoms,causingthe skin toitch and peel.
If HomeRemediesDon’tWork
Although thereare many home remedies for dandruff,insomecases additional treatment may be needed.
Many over-the-counter medicated shampoos and scalp careproducts contain antifungal or antibacterial ingredients designed to reduce dandruff.
If these products donot work after 2-3 weeks, you may need to see a dermatologist to seeif
other shampoos or prescription medications would be beneficial.
Healthcare professionals often prescribe topical antifungal medications, corticosteroids, and
immunomodulators to treat dandruff and other skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis.
The BottomLine
Although dandruff can be a difficult problem to manage, a variety of natural remedies can reduce symptoms and provide relief.
The next time you start tonoticedandruff, try some of the natural remedies above to support scalp health and reduce
dandruff naturally.If these remedies don’t work, see a dermatologist foradditional
treatment options to provide long-lasting relief