• Type 2C
This beautiful type starts at the root and is more defined. It is usually
thick and tends to dry out and curl. The style is also difficult.
Type 3 – Curly
This is another different hair type that is common among
women: Curly Type. Their curls are
straight when your hair is wet, but curl when dry.
For many women, their hair is their pride and joy. From straight and thin to thick and curly hair, every girl’s hair is beautiful in her own way. However, different hair textures may have certain limitations. Some people tend to loop
quickly, while others can’t. You
can’t control your hair type and texture, but you can
learn to work around it.
They start at the root and run the full length of the tree. They are mostly
thin, but their thickness can also vary from thick to thick. They are also
clearly defined and easy to design. However, they are more prone to frizz, dryness and shrinkage. Here are the three subcategories of the
curly type:
• Type 3A
This type defines curly hair with a thick texture.
Discover different hair types
textures and natural hair types where you can find
the best curly hair for the job.
is your question “How do I know my type of
loops?” So read on… No matter what your
hair type is (whether curly, curly, wavy,
or straight), there are three different types. Textures: fine, medium and coarse.
Texture is not what your hair feels like. Il
describes the thickness of each wire.
Comparisons are usually thread-based. If your hair is thin, it is thinner than the locks. If it is a medium
, the width is the same. If it is thick, it will be rougher.
different types of hair textures
Natural Hair Texture Characteristics of Different Hair Types
• Fine Hair Fine hair is considered the most delicate texture because it is easily damaged. It is also
fatter than other hair types. So, maintaining a hairstyle can be difficult. Plus, because it’s so light, it lays flat on your head
• Medium-Length Hair
Medium-length hair covers the scalp well.
It’s the size of sidewalk chalk and has a lot of shine. The 3A Type
boasts plenty of body and movement. However, it tends to be frizzy and dry.
• Style 3B The
Style 3B has tighter curls and a variety of textures. It consists of chiseled spiral loops ranging from
jump rings to tight corkscrews.
It is known as the most common type of hair texture and generally appears to be
thick. It is not as fragile as fine hair, so it can be easily manipulated into different hairstyles.
• Coarse Hair
Also known as coarse hair, coarse hair is thick and generally takes longer to dry than other hair textures. It
can withstand various chemical treatments and is very resistant to heat and breakage. It also appears full
and holds the style well.
It is generally voluminous with a marked circumference.
• Type 3C306
This type is often called crimping. It has very tight curls or twists and is super easy to style. It also has a volume of
, but tends to experience the greatest shrinkage.
Type 4 – Curly
Curly hair is a natural hair type with the tightest curls from fine to coarse.
The key to a healthy man is to understand natural hair types, their texture and how to care for them. In general, there are four basic hairstyles: straight, wavy, curly, and curly. Each has a dozen different
subcategories with plenty of appropriate descriptions.
Type 1 – Straight Type
Straight is the strongest of the natural hair types. They reflect
light back to the eyes, making them glow.
They contain
S to Z shaped coils and everything in between. They are stiff and delicate by nature and therefore require the soft feel of
. They can break easily if not properly cared for. To keep natural hair healthy and shiny, follow with
Moisturizing Conditioner, a rich moisturizer and some natural oils. The three
subcategories of curly hair types include:
• Type 4A
This type has a soft texture and is defined as tight curls or twists.
Densely silky or filamentous. The coil has a visible S-pattern and a circumference of
hooks. It looks rough, but it’s actually
• Type 4B
Type 4B has a very tight crimp and is less defined. It bends at
sharp angles, but is soft and brittle.
It is the circumference of a pin and the number of strands ranges from thin and thin to
thick and thin.
• Type 4C
This type is as dense as 4B but has less clarity and more shrinkage. It is tightly coiled and has
strands ranging from extra fine and soft to coarse and sticky. It is also very delicate. Her curls are so tight
they don’t even look curly at all.
They also lubricate
times faster than curly hair types because the oils on the scalp move
times faster. Plus, they’re less prone to frizz and often require
chemical treatments for permanent results. There are 3 subclasses of
for straight hair:
• Type 1A
This type is very straight and thin. It shows no signs of being wavy or frizzy.
This guy is also hard to loop.
These are different types of hair textures and natural hair types, if
you are looking for the best curly braids, we at ONYC® believe that curly hair is the mainstay of their
hair extension products. many types of curly braid designs to add volume to your hair,
including Curly Addiction™ 3B and Bouncy Curly 3A. Our weaves are a must have for women who love
hair extensions and want to hide various hair issues such as mane and hair loss.
Although it is the rarest type of
straight hair, it usually occurs in Asian women.
• Style 1B The
Style 1B is not as flat as the previous sub-categories, but remains very straight.
is thicker, medium-textured, and bulkier than Type 1A, giving it more of a
body. It’s usually straight if not styled. However, it holds curls.
• Type 1C
This type usually lays flat, but will take on a scruffy look when dried.
It also looks rougher and shinier, which can lead to frizz depending on the environment and climate. Type 2 –
Natural Wavy
Wavy hair is a type of natural hair that tends to be thicker than type 1A hair. They are characterized by
S-shaped loops along their entire length. Most hair can also appear straight, with slightly curved ends.
They may look pretty, but they curl quickly and require care to get the perfect wave. There are also three subcategories of the
curly hair type:
• Type 2A
This type is very fine, with hair ranging from loose curls to S-shaped waves. It lacks volume and clarity
, so it is easy to design.
• Type 2B
Type 2B hair has mostly straight roots with more defined S-shaped waves starting in the middle. This
has a medium texture and is a bit crispier than Type 2A.
• Type 2C
This beautiful type starts at the root and is more defined. It is usually
thick and tends to dry out and curl. The style is also difficult.
Type 3 – Curly
This is another different hair type that is common among
women: Curly Type. Their curls are
straight when your hair is wet, but curl when dry.
They start at the root and run the full length of the tree. They are mostly
thin, but their thickness can also vary from thick to thick. They are also
clearly defined and easy to design. However, they are more prone to frizz, dryness and shrinkage. Here are the three subcategories of the
curly type:
• Type 3A
This type defines curly hair with a thick texture.
It’s the size of sidewalk chalk and has a lot of shine. The 3A Type
boasts plenty of body and movement. However, it tends to be frizzy and dry.
• Style 3B The
Style 3B has tighter curls and a variety of textures. It consists of chiselled spiral loops ranging from
jump rings to tight corkscrews.
It is generally voluminous with a marked circumference.
• Type 3C306
This type is often called crimping. It has very tight curls or twists and is super easy to style. It also has a volume of
, but tends to experience the greatest shrinkage.
Type 4 – Curly
Curly hair is a natural hair type with the tightest curls from fine to coarse.
They contain
S to Z shaped coils and everything in between. They are stiff and delicate by nature and therefore require the soft feel of
. They can break easily if not properly cared for. To keep natural hair healthy and shiny, follow with
Moisturizing Conditioner, a rich moisturizer and some natural oils. The three
subcategories of curly hair types include:
• Type 4A
This type has a soft texture and is defined as tight curls or twists.
Densely silky or filamentous. The coil has a visible S-pattern and a circumference of
hooks. It looks rough, but it’s actually
• Type 4B
Type 4B has a very tight crimp and is less defined. It bends at
sharp angles, but is soft and brittle.
It comes in the thickness of a pen, with strands ranging from thin and thin to
thick and thin.
• Type 4C
This type is as dense as 4B but has less clarity and more shrinkage. It is tightly coiled and has
strands ranging from extra fine and soft to coarse and sticky. It is also very delicate. Her curls are so tight
they don’t even look curly at all.
These are different types of hair textures and natural hair types, if
you are looking for the best curly braids, we at ONYC® believe that curly hair is the mainstay of their
hair extension products. many types of curly braid designs to add volume to your hair,
including Curly Addiction™ 3B and Bouncy Curly 3A. Our weaves are a must have for women who love
hair extensions and want to hide various hair issues such as mane and hair loss.