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This is my fashion list with pictures.Although I don’tconsider myself a fashion expertas I lookfor the latest trends in all fashion styles, I am veryknowledgeableabout fashion and whateveryoneloves.Emerging trends in the fashion world have become verypopular, and as 2020 begins, fashion trends are slowly turningintherightdirection. Whether you’re someone who loves vintageandclassicstyles,orsomeonewholikes to beontopof upcoming trends, this piece is for you.
No matter how passionate you areabout fashion style, you will always miss the smalldetails, to make it easier for you, I have compiled a list of all fashion styles,perfectforeveryone – small and big.
Let’s explore some of these fashion styles one by one.
1.Vintage fashion style
Vintage clothing is synonymouswithelegance and old-fashionedelegance. These are materials and fashionsfrom a bygone era, but thepastis not really past.Peoplecome and go,fashionscome and go, but the appeal of vintage fashion never seems to gooutofstyle.
Vintage is anold-fashionedstyle that never goes out of style. Old is gold, and rightly so, and once you read my recommendations foralittleold-fashionedchic,you’lldefinitelywant to add some to your wardrobe. Jeans,leggings,high boots, skirts are verypopular vintage fashion styles.
What doesretrofashionmean?

The word “vintage” is often used to describe clothing stylesranging from 20 to 100 years old,which represents the era in which theywereproduced.
The necessary condition for anitem of clothing to be classified as vintage is that it mustspecificallyreflect the trends and styles that manypeople often associatewith that particular era. You can find vintage clothing fromhautecouture or high-quality mainstream fashion brands, and they can be new, used, handcrafted, or even crafted.
Beyond that, you also need to understand that the definition of vintage can be very flexible, sowitheach new decadesomething new can fall into this category and therefore be labeled as vintage. It is also important for you to know that every item classified as antique becomesantiqueovertime. Any vintage itemof clothing that is at least 100 years old or more falls into the category of antiques.
Speakingof kids, we recommend visitingthe Petit Bateau boutique, where you’ll find high-quality vintage and contemporary clothing from France.
Hereisanother example of avintagefashionstyle:
2. ArtChicStyle

ArtChic style is a style trend that caught my eye and attention. It’sgreat to see women who like to dressupandmaketheirown style statement. The idea is to create something unconventional away from traditional styles.
This can involve really bold and bright colors, aswellasover-the-top prints. Thesegarmentsoften have unusual silhouettes and oddly unique shapes. Most arehandmade and homemade.
Artsy is a style withastrongfocuson creativity. It can be an outfit you can think of and quickly make with fabric you already have.
Or you can justweardesignerartwork.

Is Artsy Fashion Style right for me?
In my personal opinion, I think the artistic fashion style is for those with a high level of creativity. If you like to design and create something new accordingto the lifesituationyoulivein, then this style is for you. I find that manycoolart style enthusiasts prefer unusual clothingand inspired artifacts that enhance the beauty of the style itself.
The definition of artistic fashion style is broad and veryflexible, and to find your version of artistic fashion style, you must be bold and creative enough to try different combinations of items and experience the results yourself.
Another thing to remember after the COVID-19 outbreak is thatartistic masks have become ahuge part of your style, right?
Why do people wear this fashionstyle?

Mostly people wear this fashion style so that they cansend a subliminal message to society and make a statement for themselves so that they can stand up for what they believe in. They are usually drawn to items that are handcrafted from highquality materials or at least anything that has unique material value.
One of the beautiesof this fashion style is that the beauty of this fashion style will depend on the personal preference of the person wearing it, whichmakes it a fashion style that gives people the mostfreedom.
How toweartheartisticstyle?
I know two great ways to dress artistically, so let’s see them below.
1. Leggings and anasymmetricaltunic

The first way is to wear leggings or even skinny jeans with an asymmetrical tunic.
Asymmetrical tops offercreativeexpressionwiththeirhighandlowhemlines compared to monotonousplaintops. One of the best ways to style an asymmetrical tunic is with cute black or gray leggings. Peach leggings can also be used in certainsituations, and as I mentioned before, it’s all about your creativity because there’s no right or wrong here. Flatbootsand jewelry add the wow factor to the ensemble.
If leggingsaren’tyourthing, try these artistic German socks.
2. Dramatic or Creative Jewelry

One of the best ways to addanartistictouch to your everyday outfit is towear creative jewelry. Forget diamond necklaces and precious pearl earrings and try unique accessories likeaworkofart that are originally handcrafted from the highest quality materials tolook like an object or toa pure workof art. Be bold and creative andexpress your personality through the clothes you wear. Tip: Addthe Love Moschino ArtPack for a complete artistic look.
3. Casual ChicStyle
A more formal style,bestlabeledsmartcasual.Casualoutfitsarealwaysidealfor business meetings and office events. Men wear a jacket with trousersandsometimesatie with a formal shirt,whilewomenmayweartrousersandaskirtwithafittedtunicora shirt with a matching jacket. I recommend that you keep enough business records for alloccasions as they will impress onlookers wherever you go.
What doeslooseclothingmean?

Casual is not a specific set of codes,but the actual definition of casual is anything that hastraditionallybeen considered by many to be inappropriate or inappropriate for a regular occasion that requires a formal dress code. Think of casual wear as a specific set of clothes that you wear to feel relaxed, but at the same time maintaina level of elegance so that you cancomfortably use it as everyday wear. Since you have to choose a specificpieceofclothing and match it with otherpieces, casual wear will oftenmix the look you want with the comfort of theclothes, so getcreativeand try to experimentwithwhatworksbestforyou..
Casual dress is one of the best opportunities for those who enjoyexpressingtheir true personal style to the public.
Whether it’s your personal preferences that make you want rugged or elegant,understated or luxurious, casual wear invites you to dress ina way that always makes you feel comfortable. Instead of focusing all of your attention onformaloccasions, casual wear lets you strike the balance you want between comfort, personal style, and individuality so you canlookstylish but tired at the same time.FunctionalGear
Sample Casual Outfits
Sweater with Miniskirt
Casual Miniskirt

Denim Shorts with CropTop
Cargo Shorts with PlainWhiteTee
Black Jeans with 4Military44Shirt, Some Quick Tips
Beyond,LetI give you some quick advice. Just in case you’re late for dinner with friends and don’t want to take off your hoodie, don’t worry. Just swapoutthetrack pants for a midi skirt and mules.

When the ambient temperature begins to drop, put the leather pants back on. Knowing how to juggle layers is the answer to having the perfect outfit. Throwon your sweater or hoodie and add accessories likenecklaces so you can change your outfit from day to night in a snap.Thisiscalled the power of casual chic style!
Grunge style clothing
This typeof clothing is a product of grunge music,born in the 80s.The emphasis is on creating oversized and layered silhouettes. This style specifically includes flannel shirts, leather jackets, ripped denim, metallic jackets, crop tops, combat boots, slogan tees, fishnet socks, mom jeans, casualsweaters and hats.Loose,ragged,disheveled clothes are the hallmarks of this style. This style is for everyone, so embraceit in your attire and make an impact on your style statement.
Where does the grungefashionstyle come from? The grunge chic
style was originally inspired by the grunge music scene,whichoriginated in messyand cozy flannel pieces. Originating in Seattle in the mid-1980s,grungeis known for its angsty lyrics and clean sound. Althoughheavily influenced by heavy metal and punk rock, grunge eventually found its own identity by creating its own style and look. Now let’s see how to dress upthe perfect grunge look below.
How to dress well in grungestyle?
1. Wearing a plussizeblackleatherjacket
Afashionistawitha grunge chic style has a black leather jacketasthemajorityofherwardrobe.If you want to dress decently in a rock style, you should keep in mind that black leather jackets are extralarge in size. So, instead of optingforatight-fitting black leather jacket,goone size upfrom your usual size.
2. Wear a plainwhite
t-shirt This is one of those things you have to have and it’s probably one of the best investments you’ll ever make in your life. A plain white t-shirtcaneasily be paired with your oversized black leather jacket. After that, the next thing you want to do is style your hair tolook messy like when you wokeuprecently,adding a little grunge elementtoit. Finally, you might want to topoffwith a bright red lipstick to add a final rockandroll touch to your overall style.
1990s Grunge Edition
You might want to go back to1990s grunge fashion styles for inspiration. Boldlooks that portray this particular erahavebeen made easy, all thanks to the return of this trend,which has becomepopular recently. All you have to do is summon your innerrebel and acceptyourimperfections. Metallic jackets, ripped jeans, contrastingpatternsand baggy cuts are just the tip of the iceberg for this “playful” look.
Chic ChicStyle
It’s elegance and class without the bright colors. I feellike this style isclean and unclutteredbecause it mostly involves black and white. You can also see other colorsthataren’tasstrong and subtle, but they’re all topnotch and ecstaticallyelegant, with nothing overthetop and no eye-catching colors.
What is chicfashion?
The word “chic” means elegant and stylish,andgenerally refers to a certain type.
Many people usethisterm to give you an idea of the style of a particular fashion or home decor. Some claim the word is sooverused that it simply means something is cool. It mightsoundambiguous,maybeit’s one of those words that we use alot without fully understanding its true meaning. However, in the world of fashion, I can tell you withcertainty that from my point of view, I find that fashion simply means a stylish look produced byasimplecombination of a few elements.Chicfashionista
is known for wearing monochromatic pieces with crisp, clean lines that showcase her strength and special taste for fashion.
As someone who loves hipster style, you usually choose to wear white, black andneutralcolors, so you can put whatever main color you want on bold accessories, such as crocodileleatherhandbags, or even It’s a classic red lipstick. If there’s one thing you can find in thewardrobe of someone who loveschic,it’smodernshapes,fashionand the latest accessories. Chapter
How Did I Get Chic InAnInstant?
1. Try to makeyourclothestastefulinsteadoffocusingonshoes and bags
This is one of my top strategies forlookinginstantlychic.
What I’mgoingto do with my clothes is that I generallychoosethings that areeasytowear and that I feel most comfortable with. One of my favorite combinations of items to use is a skirt with a sexy blouse. Beyond that, I also focus all my attention and energy on the types of accessories I wear, whether I usethem for an occasion or onadailybasis.
2. Expose portionsoftheskinappropriately.
Parts of the body considered potentiallyexposed are the ankles and shoulders.
These are body parts that you might want to expose to bringout the chic featuresinyou.Trywearingoff-the-shouldertopsinstead of low-cutshirts. Instead of a miniskirt, try cropped jeans. You can also gofor a sexier chic version by exposing some of your best bodyfeatures,butitis highly recommended not to expose your legs and cleavage at the same time as you may want to save for a special occasion.

This hippietrend is alltherage.The style involves women with long hair and bright clothes made of flowingfabrics,including bold patterns and exotic prints,andflared pants. A contemporary takeon this style is bohochic,which uses handmadeclothing from natural materials. This style is known for its flowing and effortlessnature,which you can see in almost everyoutfit of this style. Alongpuffydress is an example of this style.
Bohochic is not just a fashion style, it’s more than that. It is a culture that reallyexists, and like any other culture, it has its own rights. Beyond that, it is also a culture that strongly adheresto a particular ideology,with a very unique and complex history. Most people tend to associate the bohochic style with the hippie fashion that emerged in the late 70s and 60s,butbohochicisnow one of the maincomponents of our culture. In fact,bohemian fashion started in the 19th century when it was used as a counter-culturaldevice.
Currently, awide variety of bohemian accessories and clothing make bohemian chicatrueculturalphenomenon,a style that incorporateseffortlesselements combined with loose clothing,generalart and comfortable pieces asaculturalphenomenon. jewelry. Most clothes labeled bohemian usually do a goodjob of what bohemian means,a second choice to old-fashioned ways todress while stilloffering the same levelofcomfort at the same price.
Bohemian wardrobe essentials

Color palette
White lace top
Mixed print tunic
Ethnic print farmhouse top
Embroidered prairie blouse
Skirts4dresslengthsFlare jeans
Harem pants
Distressed denim shorts
BrownFringeBag444 Boho Style You toNeedto Know

Boho style comesin a variety of cuts and silhouettes, as well as patterns, techniques, and hugedifferencesinthetype of material used. Typically,many bohemian designs incorporate the best all-natural materials togiveyourskin a natural tone. At the same time, the designismainly influenced by theartisticatmosphere, some traditional ethnic and folk elements, andfloralpatterns.
Typicalmaterialsoften used for the most popular and iconic patterns and prints include materials such as lace, denim, crochet, leather, suede, turquoise, wood, and rattan. We have some awesome wooden sunglasses in our store that areperfectforbringingout the bohemian look.
7. Sexy fashion
What is sexyfashion?

Sexy Fashion Style is about what you can do with your clothes to look as sexy as possible to attract men.
This may involve showing as much skin as thelawallows, or itmay not showas much skin but still create that sexyedgetoyouroutfit.It’s about showingoff your best features in the best possible way. If you’re one of those women who loves to showoff what you’ve got, I recommend wearing miniskirts, heels, jumpsuits, crop tops, and low-cut tops that flirtatiouslyrevealthemselves.
In the world of sexy fashion, it’s all about showing off some of yourbody’s best features. You need to express yourself in a way that letsyouexpose all the best partsof your body in public to get the most maleattention.
Sexy clothing styles are oftenassociated with a pair of high heels, a tight skirt or shorts, which will attractall the eyes of men to you. Sexy styles aimtoexpose your body partsasmuchaspossible and impress others with your beautiful complexion by showing as many parts of your skin as possible.
What to weartobesexy?

One of the most common ways to look sexy is toweartighttops, as theyarespecially designed to expose certain parts of the body, such as the belly and breasts, to highlight the beauty of your body.yourotherbody. This fashion style may not suitallwomen and you need a lot of courage to wearit.
Inaddition, you can also choose to matchitwith black mini shorts,whichcan highlight your beautiful legs.Pink shoes and top, striped jacket, black skinnyjeansand black handbagcan also be combined forthe perfect sexy look.
Alternate Sexy Outfit

Black leggings,fire red top, neutral jacket and a pair of black shoes
Unisex shorts, white buttons, green shoes and a metallic shoepouch
High heels, classic high waistmonochromepants and a clean white shirt with deepV neckline
● Blacktop, black leggings,lace-up shoes, white necklace and black jacket
● Black bag, white shirt, black wide pants, blackhighheels,blackbag
●Whitebuttonedjacket,leatherpants,bagblack, a pair of black leather shoes
● Gray suit, shorts, metallic bag
● Whitebuttonedjacket, leather pants, black lace-up shoes, glassjacket, black bag
You can also experimentwithdressesandcombinations of skirts because these jumpsuits are one of the best ways for you to look sexy. Wear a pencilskirt with a button and a pair of high heels, then add ankle boots and that’s it! Agorgeous sexy look.
If you want to wear a skirt,itis better to choose a fittedcut. The one withthebackless,sleevelessneckline, then add a handbag and a pair of heels and voila!The hot and sexy look issuretobeaneye-catcher, so sexy that some might consider trying it on for themselves.
8. Exotic

As the name suggests,wearclothesnoone has ever worn.
Theseareclothes you may have never seen before. Exotic fashion hasmanyelements,includingenigmaticpatterns,bright and vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and eye-catching prints that areinstantlyrecognizable,even from afar.
9. Trendy fashion style
can be a modern girl who follows all fashion trends. If you are always up to date with current fashion trends and update your wardrobe several times a year with theseasons,then you are asassy fashion girl.
It’s the easiest fashion style to follow, no fuss, no drama, and maybethat’s why it’s my favorite fashion style.
10. Vibrant FashionStyle
This style is for anyonelookingforattention.There is vibrancy and intensity tothisstyle,whichcanalsobeseenin vibrant colors, patterns, over-the-topembroideries, asymmetrical designs, and tons of vibrant colors. If you are one of those girls who love vibrant fashion, your wardrobe isfilledwith colors that grab the attention of the crowd.
If the Old Captain Co. shirtwasn’talive, we wouldn’t know whatashirtis.Discoverthem in our online store.
11. Preppy FashionStyle
This fashion style was inspired byNorthAmerican prep schools and continues to influence fashion in the contemporary world.
But the fashion is now also being embraced by thoseoff-campus. Preppy fashion includes straightlegkhakis or chinos, buttonup oxfords, polo shirts, henries, crew neck sweaters, skirts and more.toshow. Elegance is synonymouswith glamor and thepursuitofluxury.
This style isallabout creating anentire wardrobe filledwithsleek and glamorous pieces. The style includes dazzling outfits and matchingdiamond-encrusted jewelry todazzle onlookers. This style is a combination of class and sophistication.
13. Cowgirl FashionStyle
This style is an outstanding style that makes abeautifulcowgirland involves manymust-haves such as a pink or brownhat, blue jeans, abelt, a pair of boots, and a button-down shirt. .
Althoughit’s something you wouldn’tnormallywear, if you did,you’re sure to gain a lot of fans.
14. Girl Next Door FashionStyle
This style isn’tideal, but it still qualifiesfor the list. It’s basically all you and I have seen and done. This style doesn’timply anything special, it’s not loud, it’s not exotic.

It’ssimple,butcute. A simple t-shirt and jeans willdo. Add a beautifulLadybugclutch to the list.
15. Punk ChicStyle
This fashion style is all about attitude and scream.
Punk is characterized by theheavyuse of leather, especially when wornwith jackets and pants. You will find them wearing studs,chains and studs. They can also include spandex, boots, skinny jeans, and a band t-shirt.
16. Tomboy FashionStyle
It can be saidthatfashionis a combination of modernity and simplicity.
There are many women who like to keep things as simple as possible, and for them,dressinglikeaman is as easyaspossible. Tomboys don’t like to wear femininethingslike lace, ruffles,pink and bright colors. It’s about giving yourself a boyish look. I recommend a graphic tee paired with jeans and a pair of sneakersfor the perfect tomboylook. You can also wear a cute button up plaid shirt and it will beperfect for the look you want.
17. Gothic FashionStyle
Black is synonymous with this style. Everything about this style is black – black hair, black lips, black shirt and black boots. Gothic fashion includes the wearing ofform-fittingclothingaswellasahost of other gothic accessories and jewelry. The style looks straight outof Game of Thrones episodes.
This look is recommended forthemed parties and events, where you mightwant to look different and express your mysticalmagic. The generalappearance is both mysterious and morbid.
18.Trendy Rocker Style
This style depends on your favorite rock band or the type of rock music you like. You may like Metallica or another rock and rolland the t-shirtwillprobably reflect that and be different for different rock bands.
Whatever style you’relookingfor,however,the style hassomethingsincommon,including ripped denim, leather jackets, boots, pants, and studs.
19. Sporty ChicStyle
This style is very easy to grasp and describe. It’s all about movement. If you are a fitness enthusiast or someone who likestoruninthemorning, this style hasprobablybecome a part of you.
In this style, girls wear something from a popular sports company,like Nike or Adidas, with complementary running shoes from similar sports brands. The idea of this fashion is to showtheirmovements.It’s an effortless style because it doesn’t involve doinganythingfancy.Allittakesis some skin-tightsweatpants,a basic tee, and aponytail.
Ethnic FashionStyle
This style mixesdress styles from different countries. This trendy style includes ethnic clothing from around the world – Japanese kimonos, Afghan jackets,tunics and tunics, Mexican peasant blouses and colorful turbans inspired by gypsies from around the world. It is truly a global fashion choice.
21. Formal Office FashionStyle
Even if you’rethekind of personwhodoesn’treallycare about yourfashion,there’salways a dilemmaabout what to wear to the office forthemostimportantmeeting., promotion interview or event day.
This style is exactlywhatisneeded to solvethis situation. This includes men wearing a tuxedo or dark black suit with matchingtie,andwomenwearing a similardresswithskirt,pants and accessories. This style is a must if you want to rise and shine in the officeranks.
22. Evening ChicStyle

Thesedays this style is as formal as itgets,maybe for a wedding or promnight.
It’s formal attire – the famous formal dress code. For men, that means tuxedos and tuxedos, and for all the beautiful ladies, you can wear those sparkly evening dresses and gorgeous cocktail dresses. Don’t forget towear evening lingerie to cooloff.
23. Girly FashionStyle
This style is all about yourgirl.
Althoughstereotypicalwomen’s fashion isn’treally something I do, this styleof fashion uses pink – inbothclothingand accessories. Dresscodesinclude skirts, shirts and dresses withpretty ruffles and bows, lace and fur.
Severaldressesandaccessoriesforgirlsto choose from.
24. Maternity clothes
Why hibernate pregnant?
Stop feeling unattractive and unconfident just because you haveababy. This style is designedtomakepregnantwomenandmothersfeelgreat about themselves immediately after givingbirth.Thesegarmentsincludeloosecontemporary clothing to accommodate baby boomers.
25. Lolita FashionStyle

This fashion style is for girls in their twentiesand early twenties.
Cheerful and adorablefashionsincludewardrobe-filled dresses, ruffled petticoats, adorableheadpieces,lightweight jackets, cuffs and gloves, andmore.For decades, fans havefranticallyimitated their favorite singers and musicians.A hip hop fashion wardrobe includes bomber jackets, baseball shirts, jeans, chains, hats,accessoriesandmore.
fashion style is a Japanese fashion style that originated on the streets of Japan and is now embraced and accepted around the world. Kawaii is a Japanese word meaning“cute” and this style includes very feminine and girly clothes.Theseclothesinclude skirts, t-shirts, and sometimes cute cartoon characters printed on theclothes.
For some women’sclothing,shoesandaccessories,stophere,it’stheplace to be.
Lagenlook FashionStyle
This is avery interesting fashion style and a work of art for designers who liketodesign clothes in this style. This style involves layers of unconventionallyshapedclothing. This look creates a certain uniqueness and individuality for the wearer. I recommend wearing multiple layers of the same colorforastunningyet subtle look.

Geek Chic Fashion Style
If you are one of those geeks who likes to be in front of thecomputer or readabookincollegeoratwork, this chic style will beperfectforyou. So what is this style allabout?Loose pants, oversized glasses,barrettes, loafers are some of the typical elements of this style, althoughthey are not the only ones. I recommend incorporating whatever you feel comfortable intoyouroutfit, because at the end oftheday, comfort is key.
Military Style
This is another dress style that canset you apart.This includes the use of khaki and colorpalettes. You dress as if you are goingon a trip or on a military mission. Thereis an element of comfort inthesegarments as they have to accommodate wide belts and patch pockets.

This is a casual style that you can use to look different when you don’t know what to wear. This includes jeans, abaggyshirt or t-shirt,and shiny loafers. I recommend using rugged men’sclothing with some of your women’sclothingfor the perfect look.
32. Vacation FashionStyle
This style is also known as cruise wear or summer wear because it’s the type of clothing you typically wear on vacation.
Holidaysarea time ofrelaxation, and this elegant style is synonymouswith relaxation. Theseinclude shorts, kaftans,sweatpants,flipflops, and summer hats. Thisstyleincludeslong evening dresses and skirts for women and semi-formal dresses for men.
33. KPOP FashionStyle
Korean popmusic is a genre that originated in the late 1800s, and like many other fashion styles inspired by the music genre, KPOP grewin popularity, especially in Korea.

The genre stands out not only because of the music, but also because the jaw-dropping KPOP fashion is a feastfor the eyes. The KPOP fashion stylehas been copied and adopted by people onall continents. These KPOP fashion trends include denim skirts, berets, straplessandplaid skirts. Like a brightreddress straight outof a KPOP idol’s closet. All KPOP celebrities are making suchclaimsthesedays.
In conclusion, I can say that with this well-craftedarticle, we were able to cover the following:
● A well-organized list of 33 fashion styles
● What these styles include
● Tips and tricksand my tips

● And some ProductTips
Fashion is a subjective thing and youdon’t always have to conformtothose styles or standards set and defined by others. Maybe you have your own unique idea or style, maybe you can wear it and it becomes a style statement that others canemulate. But since we already have stylesthatwork, why not takeadvantage of them and make the mostofthem.
Sotakeadvantage of this comprehensive style guideto stay well dressed and stay ahead of all the fashion happenings.
In short, the type of fashion you want to wear ultimately depends on several important factors that you may want to consider.
Factors such as the strictness of acompany’sdresscode, the vibethatdictates the day you dress, the availability of items in your wardrobe,and weather conditions canall greatly influence whichfashion style you shouldwear. choose. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to visit brandable andcheckout some of the best clothes that I will suggest in the list below.